Dream Valley MSD Cayes

Dream Valley MSD Cayes

This doll is not kept in stock here in the UK at the moment, unless stated above, but another order is being placed on the date shown when you click the Dream Valley logo on the home page, if you want to purchase it you can buy through this site and when payment is received I will add it to this next order and you will receive it once production is complete

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This is Dream Valley MSD Cayes

Comes with default body B4-04

Basic price:

Full-set Human includes:
Nude doll (human head+B4-04 body)
Eyes(14mm random).

Measurements :-

Height (include head) 52cm
Height (without head) 48cm
Head circumference 19cm
Neck circumference 7cm
Shoulder length 9cm
Arm length 15cm
Bust size 18.5cm
Waistline 13.9cm
Hipline 18.4cm
Leg length 27.6cm
Thigh circumference 11.4cm
Calf circumference  8.5cm
Eye size 14mm
